Jeremiasova Office Park
Prague, Czech Republic

The site is located in Prague – Stodulky, near Prague highway circle. The proposed office complex consists of a 5–storey solitary houses. The complex is based on a user friendly environment created – in addition to office space it includes dining, coffee shops, places for relaxation, fitness, residential terraces and extensive landscape and garden design.
doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Cigler, Int'l. Assoc. AIA
Dipl. arch. Vincent Marani, AIA
Technical director
Ing. Petr Kužela
Project architect
Mgr.A. Jan Hofman
Mgr.A. Ondřej Hrozinka
Ing. Martin Junek
Ing. arch. Petra Čížková
Ing. arch. Pavel Neuberg
Total area
6,83 ha
Total floorage
63.300 m2